Friday, September 01, 2006


Well, it's time for writing, now that i'm a bit better... :D

Better because i had bronquitis all the past week, caused because the last time i had the flu i didn't took care of myself that good and last week i got stuck under the rain, so, in consecuence i had bronquitis... :'(

Amazing good news: Cat Power is going to perform here september 20th and my sista bough me the tickets as a birthday present. I'm really really happy and excited to go see her, not that she's all calmed down and doesn't go home in the middle of her show... :D

Also, a week ago i started working with Monica. Basically what i have to do is making an inventory of all the international performing arts festivals and markets that the director of the Fund. And keeping her company and translate some letter and stuff, no big deal. WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

I've been watching a lot of my favorite movies recently, and not because i had planned to do it, it's just weird that almost all of them are being aired on TV here. So, i was kinda thinking in making a small review of them later on, just for fun.


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