Saturday, July 28, 2007


I don't feel very well, in all aspects of my life right now, but i wanted to write something here.

A month ago (more or less) i started to work in the National Fund For The Arts again, but this time in a program that helps the development of independent magazines, another program for the literary translations of works in another languages into spanish and a program for translating mexican works into another language.

I got in that job 'cause Gabriela (my boss) told me i was going to be handling all the info about those programs and that i had to be in touch with all the people wo got the money the ask for their work. Anyway, i got there on day one and... surprise!!!!!! i was there to make xerox copies and whatnot, but not the things that she "wanted" me to do when we talked. So, i think you can imagine how frustrated i am in a job like this, it's horrible.

I'm gonna quit in a couple of weeks, i'm just waiting to get my paycheck next week and then i'm gonna tell Gabriela to look for a replacement, since i can't work there no mo.

K, in another news... INTERPOL IS COMING AGAIN!!!!! But in a far place from my house. Pie, remember Santa Fe? They are playing there, in a university, right next to the mall where we saw ZODIACOOOOO!!!!!! Mwhahaha!!!!! :P

I don't think i'll have the money to go though, but i'm happy they returned... :D

I'm so nervous too because of my exam for film school, since it's in two weeks and i'm very anxious, i dunno what the fuck is wrong with me... :'(

Love ya all, and thank you for keep reading this, your humble bloggy.

Kissy kissy :*

Come and get me in my sleep...

This is for u, 'cause i'm cool like that... :) :*

Friday, July 06, 2007

Intepol - C'mere

Daniel is the greatest, period.