Monday, February 13, 2006

Memories that unleashes other things...

Well, i guess that i have to update what i've been doing these past month and a half or so.

I'm working in the two places (Foundation and Film Fest) and both jobs have been killing me slowly, because it's too much of a sacrifice to be enough time in both places. In the morning, i go to the Foundation with Blanca, and i can't stand Blanca's way of asking for things. She's like a very very complicated person to work with, because she blows up a little simple thing out of proportion and it's simply not right. But then again, that is what's paying my depts and paying my airplane ticket to go see my bods.

And then there is the Film Fest. In that place i feel save, because i know everybody and because everybody likes me and we all have a good time. It's getting kinda complicated now because Maddy is doing other stuff too and she's not very focused on what's important AT THE MOMENT, not when the festival is over. So, because she's into something else, she's not updating me on the stuff she changes, and i'm stuck with the stuff i had before and people ask me stuff and i dunno whether she changed it or left it like i have it, i dunno, it's hard. But not compaired with Blanca, Maddy is such a cool and undertanding person, she asked me stuff nicely or we divided the job to make it easier and faster.

In my life i've been kinda ok-ish. Everything normal until yesterday, that Yessica lended me Brokeback Mountain. I really really wanted to see it, and not just because the gay thing, but because i've heard good comments and nice reviews and all about it. So, i watched it and it got to me, i mean, IT REALLY DID, i couldn't sleep because i kept thinking about the damn fucking movie and i was crying. It's such a personal film experience that i'm talking about here, that's why i love movies, they connect in the right time at the right place, and this time it did. I kinda needed to see that and let that out of my heart.

You have to see it, it's really a beautiful powerfull film. Heath Ledger keeps surprising me and Michelle Williams is kinda brilliant. The cinematography is lovely. Hell, i really recommend you guys see it.

I dunno how to let you go for fuck's sake and it's killing me. I always keep telling someone that read this bloggy to let go of that fucking horrible experience that he had, but i'm not able to do what i advice, and i know it's hard and i know it's not easy letting go of experiences that in some fucking weird way enrich your life and make it nice. I really need to let you go and to accept that i fucked up and i will regret it for the rest of my life.
