Thursday, July 28, 2005

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Maria Daniella y Su Sonido Lasser

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Pics courtesy of Raquel And Her Lasser Sound... WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


Monday, July 25, 2005

Suck City...

Last night i went to see Sin City with my sisters. It has to be the longest 2 hours film i've seen in a very long time.

First, the segment that Tarantino directed suck big ass, it's boring as shit and it's kinda unnecesary. The two other segments that were directed by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez were good, but FUCKING LONG. The hookers story is awesome and the cop/girl one was so so.

The cast in general are good, very good, except for Bruce Willis that does the same as in Pulp Fiction or another one i can't remember now, and Mickey Rourke who sucks and he can't even act now. Everyone is great, even Benicio del Toro... :O

The cinematography is excelent, fucking excelent.

Woooooooo!!!!! :D

El tuviera no existe, las apariencias engañan

Well, i'm gonna start writing about the Maria Daniela y Su Sonido Lasser gig that i went to with Raquel on thursday. :)

I go up in morning to help my parents do some housework while i still got time, because i had to go at 2:30pm to see Raquel in her house. My sister Isaura got here early and she was helping my mom do supper while i was finishing packing some clothes that i was taking to spend the night at Raquel's apartment... wooooooo!!!!!

So, my sis and i were ready to go. I went with her to pick her glasses and then we went on our way to Raquel's house (which is very near from were my sister lives).

I got late to Raq's apartment and we went to eat after that. We ate corean food (which is weird...wooooo!!!) and then for a Starbucks coffee. There, she told me her story for her final proyect of the film course, which is a short fiction film. It's very pretty, i liked it a lot.

We went back to her apartment and saw a documentary she did for school (which was very funny and a little traumatic... hahaha!!! :P ) and then waited for her ex-boyfriend to pick us up to go to the gig, which he never did because he's an ass... :D

K, then we went ahead to the gig. We arrived and it was a lot of people in line to enter the place and we were a bit shocked, because we never thought there were many people that liked them apart from us... :P

The concert was awesome, they are so bad that they are good... :P

After the gig, we went for some coffee and bread and then to sleep... woooooooo!!!!!! :)

It was awesome, i had a super nice time.


Monday, July 18, 2005

Thanks Yee...

For that awesome news, you made my day and month and year maybe... ;)

Well, this weekend was kinda busy. On friday my friend Danaé broke up with his asshole boyfriend, so we kinda spent all weekend talking about him... :P

Saturday i stayed home to keep painting my closet and help to clean the house a bit.

Today we went for my mom who was at my grandma's house. From there we went to my sister Isaura's place to pick up a washing machine, a stove and a few more things. Then we got back home and Danaé asked me to go to the movies, so we went, but the showtimes was very late so we ended up in a coffee place (where the coffee sucks, btw) talking about her ex-boyfriend again... :P

It was cool, at least i got a little bit distracted... :)

Friday, July 15, 2005

13 Movies Of My Life

Lolita : Stanley Kubrick
My Night At Maud's : Eric Rohmer
Cries & Whispers : Ingmar Bergman
Belle De Jour : Luis Buñuel
The Age Of Innocence : Martin Scorsese
La Notte : Michelangelo Antonioni
El romance del Aniceto y la Francisca : Leonardo Favio
3 Women : Robert Altman
A Woman Under The Influence : John Cassavetes
The Marriage Of Maria Braun : R. W. Fassbinder
The Piano : Jane Campion
Love And Anarchy : Lina Wertmüller
Pueblerina : Emilio Fernandez


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I Felt Your Shape

I thought I felt your shape but I was wrong,
really all I felt was falsly strong.
I held on tight and closed my eyes,
it was dumb, I had no sense of your size.

It was dumb to hold so tight.
But last night on your birthday in the kitchen,
my grip was loose, my eyes were open.
I felt your shape and heard you breathing,
I felt the rise and fall of your chest.

I felt your fall,
your winter snows,
your gusty blow,
your lava flow.
I felt it all:
Your starry night,
your lack of light.
With limp arms I can feel most of you.

I hung around your neck independently
and my feeling of loss was overwhelemed
by this new depth I don't think ive ever felt.

But I don't know...
my nights are cold.
November warmth,
I could have sworn
I wasn't alone.

This song makes me think of him... *sigh*

Miedo miedo a besarte cuando estoy contigoo...

I've been to a lot of embassies in the past week looking for information about schools abroad that has Film Studies has a carreer. And surprisingly there are many... :O

I haven't done much lately. I've been reading a book about how you can make a good screenplay and i've been reading J.G. Ballard's Crash, which in my opinon is a billion times better than the stupid Cronenberg movie.

Listening to a lot of Maria Daniela y Su Sonida Lasser, Fiona Apple, The Smiths, Juliana Hatfield and Beth Orton.

WOOOOO!!!!! :)

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Hahahaha!!!! I dreamt of that word... :P

Yesterday was Raquel's birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!!!) and she invited me to have dinner at a japanese restaurant and then go to her house to have a gathering. There in her house i knew his dad and he rocks... wooooooo!!!!!!

It was run, i enjoyed it... :)

Monday, July 04, 2005

The District Sleeps Alone Tonight

This week was kinda nice.

On friday i saw my friend Raquel and we had fun, i always have an awesome time with her, she's so nice and we have almost the same taste in music (but not film woooo :P). I told her my story and she liked it, which made me very happy, i must say... *shy*

Then i showed her how to post pics on her bloggy and because of me, she only post pics now... NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! :)

She very kindly dropped me in a coffee shop near the film school where i had my other appointment, with Liliana.

With Liliana i talked about her short film idea, which i think it's weird, but i don't mind doing it, it's experience after all... :)

Love you all.

Woooooooo!!!!!!!! :)