Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I did it all for the bodbert,
The bodbert
So you can take that cockbert
And stick it up your *yeah*
Stick it up your *yeah*
Stick it up your *yeah*
Stick it up your...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


What the fuck is up with these fuckings nuts???

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Love ya darlings!!!!!!!!!!! :D

:D :D :D :D :D :D

:* :* :* :* :* :*

This Time

This time
We are made of paper
We are the crust of a tree
That doesn’t have anything to do
With the sweating of the wind

We’re napkin
And the light receipt
We’re napkin
And the light receipt

This time we are made of paper
We’re the infractions
And we’re the pages of the bible
This time we are honest

We’re napkin
And the light receipt
We’re napkin
And the light receipt

This time we are made of paper
We’re the infractions
This time we are honest
For ever
For ever
For ever

It's a Julieta Venegas song that rocks ass... :'(

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Bods will be bods

It's not easy love-
but you've got bods you can trust...

Bods will be bods
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Bods will be bods
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand cos bods will be bods-
Right till the end

For P, L, Y, J, D and everyone i'm missing out... i love you guys. :*

Taken from Da Bod's Bloggy... :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

So that was that

Today i went to talk to Blanca, to quit the job.

She seemed kinda like me, like we both stopped carring a heavy lift off our shoulders. I told her that i got a permanent job at the Film Fest (which is a lie) and that they offered me more money (did she said that money was not a problem and she would give me more? of course not). Anyway, she told me she was very happy for me because she knew that film is my life and that it was an important thing for me. Also told me that she was not going to search for another assistant because of the shitty payment and all. We parted as friends, very quiet and very simple, no dramas or anything.

The only thing that i could tell you is that i won't miss that place at all... AT ALL!!!!

I dunno what i'm gonna do next, but i think i have some spare time to decide what's next, not? :)

Return to form...


I'm back and ready for everything that comes in my way goddamnit. :P

Tomorrow i'm gonna quit the Foundation job, because it's giving me troubles and innecesary worries than benefits, so, fuck that motherfucker job... :D

The festival was nice, not quite like last year, but nice. The best part of it was that i saw Javier Porta Fouz again, and it was a pleasure and a delight to hang out and hear him talk about films and stuff again, he's the most amazing film critic i've read and known. We talked about the festival being very very disorganized and that everything was just weird and upside down, and he was quite right, everyone had troubles in their areas and that became obvious. But i believe that the Education Project (the project of Maddy) went very well, every school was awesome and the students came out really happy of the screenings.

I love you guys, for keep reading the bloggy and for being there for me... i really love you all very very much... :)