Friday, August 26, 2005

Yessica & Nancy

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Aww!!!! That picture was taken at the birthday party Yessica threw in her house. Nancy was a bit drunk by then... HAHAHAHA. And the smoke that you see, it's my ciggy, how lovely... :D

I've known there two for almost 10 years now, since secondary school. Nancy and i got in the same school as Yessica was, but in second year, we didn't got there in the beggining, but Yessica was.

Anyway, Nancy and I were from different schools and our parents got us in that ugly school. Nancy was a bitch to me, like REAL BITCH the first few months, but then we loved each other... wooooooo!!!!! And when Nancy and i got to that school, Yessica was not there, because she had an accident in a motorcycle and she was recovering at home. She got to classes THREE MONTHS after school was started and she was treated like a princess, like, she didn't had to go and be in physical education class and run like a stupid bastard in the basketball yard like a half hour, she was there laughing at all of us and I HATED HER FOR THAT....hahahhah!!!!!

But i love them both now, the bitches!!!!! :*

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